To help you get started with the revolutionary Vanati Energy Healing Programs, we have created this page with the most frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered here, or you would like additional information, we invite you to use our Ask a Product Specialist feature, to receive a product recommendation that is personalized to you, with suggestions to help you meet your personal goals and achieve the great accomplishments you seek.
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I feel trapped and stuck in life patterns. What program is right for me?
We recommend both connection programs, Receiving the Energy of Connection and Extending Connection to an Area of your Life, as well as the Exploring Transformation program.
We suggest using them all, rotating the order that you use them - Receiving, Extending, Transforming and then repeat. No, you do not have to listen every day, but when you do feel drawn, follow this order. This provides a solid foundation for change in a supported fashion.
What if I’m interested in healing?
We suggest Cellular Expansion and Healing (CE set) and the Receiving the Energy of Connection program. People often report vast change in their lives using the CE set. Augmenting this with the Receiving Connection program provides support for deepening your own connection to yourself, source, and others so that as things change it is smooth and easy. In our experience, this helps the healing process tremendously.
How can I create something in my life – abundance, guidance, relationships, or a new job?
We suggest three singles Receiving the Energy of Connection, Extending Connection to an Area of your Life and Exploring Transformation. For more details, please see the first question above.
How can I let go of old patterns?
If you are looking to let go of habits and patterns that no longer serve you well, then Transforming the Personality program is for you! This set provides a step-by-step process to unlayer what no longer serves you from your history and patterns and invites in your largest self. We often recommend as a companion Receiving the Energy of Connection. Even for those that feel a strong connection with their higher self and wisdom or God, there is always a deepening available. As the unlayering occurs, often the edge of this connection is revealed.
Have a question about which Energy Healing Program is right for you?
Complete the form below and a Vanati Product Specialist will respond as soon as possible with a recommendation tailored to you. We look forward to hearing from you!