Receiving the Energy of Connection
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Connection is the backbone for all change and healing. Whether you seek to know your purpose and would benefit from a deeper connection with your intuition or higher consciousness, or are stressed by daily life and needing a consistent place of peace the energy of connection offers a stable place rich source of energy. Your cells open and take in just what is needed, supporting the changes in the rate that is right for you. Because connection is an ongoing process where deeper and deeper levels are available this cornerstone energy program supplements all of our energy programs. It is part of a three CD series that is often recommended by health care providers to support healing that has not responded to other approaches. It is also a wonderful beginning in our energy programs.
Useful for:
Helping Students prepare for exams
Forging connection for special needs kids including autism, ADHD and others
Shifting addiction
Integrating healing
Connection with Guidance and Intuition
Healing issues of lack
One CD and accompanying booklet to use over and over again in a never-ending place of support.
Please Note: This CD is currently unavailable for purchase online. Please contact our office at for further assistance. Thank you.
People who have purchased this have also found the following helpful:
Single meditation CD with energy transmissions, transcripts and additional written teachings to bridge this skill into daily life.
Customer Reviews
How Wonderful!It is actually possible to receive energy through a CD ... this is amazing. I feel so relaxed, renewed and reconnected each time I listen to it. This is the first CD of many more for me. I can't wait to see what the next one has to offer.
Written by Jill on Tue 14 Sep 2010 2:15:18 PM GMT
When I need to remember who I truly am, I put on this CD. Immediately, I am connected with my largeness.
Written by Katherine on Thu 25 Sep 2008 7:34:07 PM GMT
I use this on long roadtrips - all the kids are happy and expanded!
Written by holly on Wed 24 Sep 2008 5:51:15 PM GMT
AmazingThe first time I listened I felt connected to my soul...Amazing
Written by Laura on Tue 26 Aug 2008 3:11:30 PM GMT
Receiving the Energy of ConnectionI used this and Extending Connection to an Area of your Life every day for two weeks. I opened to connection with my soul for the first time-using the energy programs just makes it so easy.
Written by Kathy on Tue 29 Jul 2008 11:26:30 PM GMT
I start each day with Receiving the Energy of Connection-it helps me to be balanced, connected and expanded in a chaotic job.
Written by Sable on Thu 22 May 2008 5:39:17 PM GMT