Pauline and Deb may be contacted for private appointments either in person or long distance. A private appointment can be scheduled to support existing modalities or as a primary approach to supporting physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Private appointments are an opportunity to move more fully into alignment with your own power as a healer or facilitator in your life. Through the energy that is offered you are supported to understand more fully your role as a creative partner in your own life.
Our role as facilitators of that process is to support you fully in your awakening. We do this through energywork, conversation and direction for self-study and exploration. We function as a guide in your transformation.
Preparing for your Session
We suggest you go inside to see if this is right for you. Each of us has an inner sense of when something is right for us. Perhaps for you this is a sense of intuition. We ask you to honor your own place of knowing regarding this and any other healing process.
When you are ready, prepare your focus, to explore what it is you would like to create a shift or change in. It may be very simple, such as I would like help with the pain in my back, or it may be more elaborate. This intention serves as an opening, a beginning point for you and your practitioner to begin to engage with the energies. Your practitioner may ask you a few questions to gain clarity around your focus. Everything discussed during your treatment time is strictly confidential.
At the time of your session, we suggest you arrive at the office ten to fifteen minutes ahead of your scheduled time. This will assist you in creating the highest space of peace and healing. Relax; let go of the day. Sit quietly and return to your focus. Does this still fit for you? Has it changed in some way? Is there something else you would like to add?
During your time in the office, you will be asked about your focus. You will lie down on a bodywork table, fully clothed and supported with pillows and blankets. Please feel free to let your practitioner know of any specific needs you have at this time. If at any time anything feels uncomfortable to you, we ask you to let your practitioner know. You are completely in charge of the session. At the end of the session, you will be given a chance to speak of your experiences and ask any questions that you may have. We do this to begin the process of integration. Many people find allowing some quiet time after the session to be quite helpful. Journaling, walking in nature or any pleasant activity that you are drawn to is appropriate. We suggest you listen to what your body tells you during this time and follow the impulses that are there.
Optimize Your Healing
At the designated time, set a quiet space for yourself without interruptions. You might like to use quiet music to help you relax. Many clients prefer to receive distance healing at night before going to bed, as the experience is often peaceful and profound. Please allow an hour for the entire process, including integration afterwards.
After Your Session
Drink plenty of water
Take a warm bath
Journal or write about your experience, as much has transpired outside the conscious mind - Journaling in this way supports access to these insights and your experience in this process of healing is what is significant!
Session Feedback
The process of healing is unique for each person. Often times the inner experience that occurs during a distance CE session is very rich and dynamic. Because of this, Deb has incorporated a process into the sessions she provides.
Should you desire feedback from your session then email your experience within 24 hours. Deb will respond with any impressions that have arisen during your session as well as any next practical steps to support your ongoing healing.
Often clients find inner resonance/awareness and end up not desiring or needing
feedback. This procedure let's Deb honor this process for the client and meet their individual needs for each session.
24-Hour Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel a session, we ask that you contact us 24 hours before your scheduled time. For example, if your appointment is at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, you would need to call us before 1 p.m. Tuesday in order to not be charged for your session. This allows us to serve the needs of our clients more efficiently. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
Schedule A Private Appointment
To schedule a distance healing appointment, please complete the form below. After it is reviewed, you will be contacted with a payment link and to schedule an appointment time.