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Free Intention Program

Affirmations are wonderful expressions of the mind’s capacity to influence daily reality. Intentions are the expression of your larger consciousness, the Soul, to actively create the unlimited potential that you are now, in all areas of your life.

Daily Energetic Support to
Live to Your Fullest Potential

What is It?
Vanati has created this special program to help you create the life you desire. Intention has been scientifically studied to demonstrate remarkable results! Vanati takes this time honored tradition and adds the revolutionary energy of Cellular Expansion and Healing, making intention even more powerful as a conscious act of creation in your daily life.

When you focus on the daily intention you are also held in the loving inclusive energy of Cellular Expansion and Healing. This combination helps you move past what keeps you from being your largest most powerful and creative self.

Each day, we will send you an intention with tips on how to maximize the power of the daily intentions in your life while holding open the space of healing transformation for you.

  Click Here for Samples of Past Intentions

Create the Life You Desire
Using intention to create the life we desire opens ourselves to the larger flows of the Universe, the divine order from which everything is interconnected. We can do this through our mind, by harnessing the power of our thoughts. Simply by focusing on something our own consciousness expands. By placing something in the awareness of our mind, we help these connections become stronger.

To move into a more powerful direct expression of intention, we connect with something larger than ourselves, larger than what we could create on our own. This occurs outside the fabric of the mind, where we are much larger. By aligning here, we open to greater abundance, greater clarity and greater ease. When we do this, we are announcing our very intention to the Universe, to be larger than our individuated personalities and to create from our vastness.

Here, a simple phrase as a tool for the mind has now become so much more. It is a symbol of our declaration to BE our largeness, to operate from here, to love, to learn, to create and to connect with others as this part of us.

In this daily intention program, we offer you the next step in learning about yourself as this largeness as well as the opportunity to be supported in your creations. We will be holding the energy of a new intention for the day, throughout the day, 24 hours of the day. Using the loving inclusive energy of Cellular Expansion and Healing (CE) participants are given the opportunity to open easily to embrace the intention more fully than they could on their own. You might imagine this like the warmth and light of the sun moving through the clouds to illuminate your day.

Through this unique program, you have the opportunity to exercise the parts of you that know this higher state of being as well as encourage the parts of you that do not yet operate from here to learn what is next. Like training wheels for your personality, the intention program offers you a way to be held in expansion while you learn how to create this for yourself.

Following the principles that we use in all of our energy programs, your cells are bathed in light, creating an opportunity for them to open to what is next. Here as light touches your cells they are free to drink in this nutrient substance. The energy of CE is respectful, not pushing but inviting your cells to engage. In this way many barriers to healing, moving past stuck places of old patterns or creating expansive growth, simply melt away. It is quite common for clients to report profound change in areas they have explored for many years using many other modalities.

Our cells as consciousness are filled with wisdom and higher understanding and know exactly what is needed in any given moment. Our minds may be busy with activities of the day, our thoughts may command our attention and we may not hear what is within.

By aligning with an intention through the energy of CE we amplify our minds ability to direct its consciousness and choose what it would like to use to create daily life. This has powerful impact on daily life. We move from reacting to the world around us to consciously choosing what we would like in our lives.

In addition, places of hesitation, areas of consciousness that we may not even be aware of, have the opportunity to come to the surface, look around and choose to align. This occurs without any effort from the mind.


What’s involved with the intention program?
Each day you will receive the daily intention. Also included are suggestions for maximizing benefits both for your mind and your energy system and consciousness. Suggestions to assist in bringing this intention into your daily life are included as well.

The intention program began on 1/1/07. You may join at any time by clicking on the sign in box below. Your first intention will be sent within 24 hours. You may remove yourself at any time from daily intentions by managing your subscription at the bottom of each intention e-mail sent to you.

The Art of Creating

Three simple Universal principles govern all aspects of creation:  

  • By focusing on something, our consciousness expands.
  • Beyond the beauty of the mind exists the larger self - this is the doorway to unlimited potential.  
  • Abundance is the natural state of the Universe. Ease is the natural state of being that occurs when one aligns with Abundance.

    The Intention program provides daily support to embrace these principles.

    Maximizing the Benefits of the Intention Program

    Simple Steps to Bring More Impact to Your Creations

    Each day you focus on the Daily Intention: 

    • Quiet your mind
    • Open your heart
    • Breathe in the intention 
    • Notice your Alignment
    • Extend your consciousness out into your day