Cellular Expansion & Healing
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Cellular Expansion and Healing (CE) opens the deepest moments of healing and transformation that you are ready for; a never ending source of powerful change, CE goes directly to the source of imbalance at the level of the cells. From here it invites the change to happen, through extending soothing inclusive energy. Constrictions release like tired muscles that are soothed in a warm bath. Respectful and unlimited, CE promotes healing, spiritual evolution and living a life of purpose.
This two meditation set begins by assisting you to prepare for the transformation at all levels of your system. Here the interrelated connection of mind body and spirit support one another to reach the next step along the pathway of healing and evolution.
With the second meditation your body is supported to actually transform the layers of density that are present, that inhibit health and wellness and realizing you fullest capcaity. Profound transformation has occurred for people all over the world using the energy of Cellular Expansion and Healing.
The healing and life changes that often occur with this set are profound and at times require the mind to adjust how it views the world around it. A life lived without illness for instance is very different than one lived from the daily struggle to maintain or achieve health.
To support ease of integration that is necessary along any path of healing, we suggest as a companion Receiving the Energy of Connection to assist in the ever-deepening process of connecting most fully with yourself and higher consciousness. Aligned from here, aspects that are uncertain are comforted and supported that all that is needed is indeed present.
Cellular Expansion and Healing is supportive to other healing modalities. It is not intended as a substitute for traditional medical care.
Useful for:
Accelerated Spiritual Development
Any area of healing - physical, emotional, spiritual
Augmenting your healing between sessions with a trained practitioner
Creating life with energy
Healing limitations that prevent our deepest expression
People who have purchased this have also benefited from:
Two meditations and a book with a unique perspective on healing and transcripts of the meditations.
Customer Reviews
Most incredible healing ever!I have used many healing approaches, from some of the best in the world. A friend gave me this set as a gift and I couldn't believe that such deep healing was available just by listening to your incredible soothing voice!!! You transport me to places of Divine connection and unlimited peace in a way that is truly sacred. thank you from the bottom of my heart...
Written by Sharon, Barcelona Spain on Thu 2 Sep 2010 3:51:11 PM GMT
Incredibly Transformative!Incredibly Transformative! It took me to a place of expansion that I have never experienced.
Written by Grace on Fri 26 Sep 2008 5:17:21 PM GMT
Love It... For HealingI love this set, I love that I can get a healing session whenever I want.
Written by Isabella on Thu 25 Sep 2008 7:31:53 PM GMT
Incredible SupportI've used this set to help in between my sessions with Deb. It has been an incredible support. At first I used it to help with the side effects of cancer treatment-then as it helped me feel better I used it to help me create health. Once, in remission, I used it to create everything in my life!
Written by David on Tue 29 Jul 2008 11:38:21 PM GMT
Cellular Expansion and HealingI purchased this set to provide additional support while I was receiving Cellular Expansion and Healing sessions from a certified practitioner. My first thought was that it was quite an investment and I wasn't sure how much I would use it. That was almost 8 years ago and the set goes everywhere with me. No matter what issue I am experiencing (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual), I can feel a shift occur from the time I turn on the journey. As an example, I occasionally get a migraine headache. I can put on Transforming Matter and the headache will shift very quickly. I always feel comforted to know that I have a usable, supportive tool at hand for anything that comes up in my life!
Written by Laurie Rogers on Mon 28 Jul 2008 7:19:11 PM GMT