Pittsburgh G20 Summit
Vanati World Peace and Abundance Meditation
Location: Anywhere in the World - Energy Anchored in Pittsburgh
Join us as we use healing energy and Soul connection to support the highest outcome for the upcoming G20 Financial Summit. World leaders representing the financial leaders from twenty economies: the world’s nineteen richest countries and the European Union, will be discussing issues that affect the international financial system, and in turn the lives of all beings.
As we create a fabric of support, higher consciousness and intentionality, we create the opportunity for the evolution of consciousness itself. Shifting the consciousness of lack is part of the evolution of humanity. As we each embrace our full potential we live as our Souls, and move beyond the need for duality.
Poverty, domination and issues of imbalance are all part of the fabric of polarity that arises as higher outcomes are explored. As we each come together and add our Light, our gifts, our intentions, we amplify what is possible. What begins with one multiples; and it takes only one to create great change.
We invite you to send your Personal Intention for the upcoming G20 Summit being hosted in Pittsburgh - Send Intention >>>
Imagine a Summit:
Where the highest outcome and benefit for all is the overarching consciousness from where all decisions are made
Where world leaders hear one another
Where cultural differences are respected
Where peaceful exchanges of divergent views occurs
Where each leader finds the courage to connect within themselves to their deepest power and capacity and act from here
Imagine a world lived from here.
Where: Vanati will be anchoring the energy in Pittsburgh, the site of the upcoming Summit. Participants can join in from all over the world, adding their unique gifts to this evolutionary event.
When: Thursday September 24th and Friday September 25th 7-8am
(If the 7-8am EST doesn't work in your schedule, then participate at a
time that works for you. Energy is not limited by time and space, and
allows for infinite connection!)
We will be doing this on Thursday September 24th AND Friday September 25th at 7-8am EST. Join as often as you would like!
How: Find your centered expansive self. Connect with your Light and then connect with those that are participating all over the world. Add your unique radiance, and any healing modality or offering of prayer that is right for you. You may participate in any way you’d like.
Just as there are many paths to peace, many modalities of healing and meditation, there are many ways in which you can participate in the upcoming G20 distance mediation for peace and abundance. We’ve listed a few here to help your mind open in new directions. Have another way you plan to participate? Email us and we’ll add it to the list, or post it on our Facebook Event Wall for all to share.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Meditate for the hour with us from your own home and country.
Meditate for part of the hour.
Be a state of expansion, touch in with the energy of the group and set your intention for peace.
Email your personal intention for the group.
Join as a group in your location and meditate during that time. Set your intention to connect with others all over the world that are committed to creating peace and living as peace.
Listen to a meditation CD that you like.
Offer healing energy, such as Reiki, Cellular Expansion and Healing, or any other modality. Offer this healing to all those that seek peace.
Be still and open to the creative power within.

There will be an abundance of useable energy available for the transformation of suffering, both individual and global.
To augment your own expansion we offer the Free Vanati download, Soul Connection: Opening to Abundance, a full length Healing Energy Program using the transformative energy of Cellular Expansion and Healing to move past limitations and open to unlimited potential.
Add Your Personal Intention for Peace and Abundance
We invite you to participate! You may use the form below if you would like to send your intention for this meditation to be held by the group. We will keep all of your personal information completely private.